Saturday, 30 July 2011

Plight of the Algerian residents

The plight of Algerian residents on strike has sparked interest in the United States.

We received the following request from Jack dePaolo to put him in contact with residents willing to share their experiences.

Hi, my name is Jack dePaolo, I am an MD / PhD student in the United States, at Louisiana State University in New Orleans. I am also affiliated with Medscape I am currently working on a story about Algerian medical trainees and their fight for higher wages and the end to the public service requirement. I was wondering whether you could put me in touch with any medical residents in Algeria.

Please also feel free to share your feelings and experiences here with the group, thanks.

If anyone wishes to contact Jack, his email is

Medical English classes

It is with great excitement that I bring you news of Medical English classes at Hopeland Institute.

Whilst demand for these classes has waned over the past few years, new interest is being shown by Algerian doctors and vets keen to learn English designed to help them understand medical terminology.

It is hoped that new classes will start in Cheraga in September and those hoping to benefit are advised to register their interest as soon as possible so they can be added to the waiting list.

To find out more about previous courses, please see previous posts and comments from our students.

A test of level will be required prior to registration to ensure an adequate base in English. You will need level 3 to take these classes.

Please contact Hopeland Institute directly for more information or to book a test of level.

We really hope you enjoy studying with us!!

It's not all work, work, work!!!!!!

It's not all work, work, work!!!!!!