I would like to share my proud moment with you as it came completely unexpected but very much appreciated.
At CLUB Hopeland on the 19th March, I was busy taking photographs of Mr Zulkifly Abdul Malek, Charge d'Affaires at the Malaysian Embassy who was giving a talk in English on Opportunities in Malaysia.
The Director of Studies announced that she would like Mr Abdul Malek to present a couple of certificates as has been done in the past by the British Ambassador. There was I, posed with my camera, when it was taken from me! I assumed that cultural issues meant that the person receiving the certificate would not wish to have their photograph taken, however, much to my surprise my name was read out to receive the 'Teacher of the Year' award.
It has admittedly been a challenge developing and marketing the Medical English programme in Algeria but I am extremely grateful to Mr and Mrs Dib for giving me the opportunity to do so and their unwavering support during the process. Through the determination of everyone involved, we now have a regularly running Medical English course to be proud of as well as being able to offer other services such as Medical translation and conference preparation. It has certainly been worth it and we hope to be able to help Algerian doctors benefit from the advantages of knowing Medical English in an English dominated profession.
The entire Hopeland staff is so proud of Louise for all of her hard work and dedication! We are also very, very proud that she is Hopeland Institute's first Teacher of the Year. It will be hard work to live up to her example, masha'Allah but we hope all of our teachers will strive for this award, year after year insha'Allah.
Join us in congratulating Louise on a JOB WELL DONE!
Laura Dib
Director of Studies
I met Louise and I confirm that she is very serious and she have a lot of love for his work at Hopeland ! Happy to meet you and hope to lurn about you more...
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