Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Bare Below the Elbows

Having been in Algeria for 2 years, I was unaware that in late 2007, the Department of Health brought in guidance that all medical personnel should be bare below the elbow without exception. The document itself can be found here: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_078433?IdcService=GET_FILE&dID=162876&Rendition=Web

Although there is no concrete evidence to prove that uniforms can transmit infections from one patient to another, public concern over the superbug MRSA and other hospital acquired infections have prompted this new guidance.

It is my understanding that each hospital is then responsible for managing the situation independently and therefore female muslim health professionals in one hospital may be permitted to wear disposable sleeves or theatre gowns whilst their colleagues in other hospitals are faced with the possibility of losing their jobs.

Although I was unaware of the new guidelines at interview in May, my 17 years nursing experience led me to ask the question as to whether my new Islamic dress code would cause a problem in relation to infection control or health and safety. I was told that they would find out. I heard nothing. On my return to the UK, I again enquired whether this had been investigated and was told they would look into it and let me know. Again, I heard nothing. I rang today to be told that the manager had told her staff not to intervene. I am now waiting for an answer to my question from the human resources department and will keep you posted.

This is a very difficult issue for me as nursing has been my lifelong passion and the thought of giving it up hurts very much but this must be balanced with my belief and so I seek Allah's guidance and insha'Allah kheir.

1 comment:

Hopeland Institute said...

Well just to let you know that so far, I have compromised by wearing a long-sleeved tee-shirt under my uniform. I pull the sleeves up to my elbows when in direct patient contact and so far, so good.

It's not all work, work, work!!!!!!

It's not all work, work, work!!!!!!