As of the 1st of January 2010, there have been 47 deaths and 746 cases of H1N1 virus in Algeria. In the UK there have been 303 deaths. As a healthcare professional I had the vaccine last week in London to protect my patients. Apart from a heavy arm, I had no other side effects, although I heard that a doctor in Setif died 9 hours after having the injection?
What is the current mood in your country about Swine Flu amongst medical professionals and the general public in your country, I would love to hear your views and experiences?
In Romania the H1N1 flu was a fiasco... Search on google "gripa porcina" and u will fiind very interesting post;)!
PS: Please enter on my blog:D
Comment left on Algerian Medics Facebook group by Saddek Khellaf:
Salam everybody,
Well, i think that the real number of cases is much more than 746. and i can imagine it around 2000, just because the cases declared are only the sever ones, and as i see in Algeria and especially where i work actually; no one suspects the Swine Flu seriously in front of minors or moderate Flu symptoms, even the patient himself doesn't ask or think about it.
so as i said before the number 6.3% of death cases is wrong, and we need a better evaluation of the situation.
Secondly, concerning the Vaccine; i am not so reassured about it until now. but certainly it is the fastest ever used medicine in the history of the modern medicine. i don't think so that it is allowed in our courses of pharmacology that we can use a medicine after only 3 months from it's first production without any real informations and we go ahead to applicate it on 6 billions person ?! to prevent what? a Flu not so sever as the Bird one.
God be with us.
This newpaper article and video is very interesting in the wake of the Swine flu scare!
Can we ever believe the media again!
The UK Government is seeking to rid itself of a billion pounds worth of unwanted swine flu vaccine -- because the “deadly” H1N1 epidemic never materialized. Major drug companies may have pushed the World Health Organization (WHO) to warn that swine flu could be a worldwide 'pandemic' killing tens of millions.
But even more shocking is the fact that the scandalous waste of public money, and the wild overreaction which gave rise to it, were both entirely predictable. It has long been clear that governments all over the world, led by the WHO, were in the grip of a hysterical panic over swine flu.
In the early days of the panic, the BBC Today program brought in a WHO 'expert' to predict that 40 percent of Britons would catch swine flu, while citing another unnamed 'expert' as predicting that up to 1.2 million could die.
Yet eight months later it was being reported by scientists that swine flue is only a tenth as virulent as ordinary flu, and only one 100th as virulent as that Spanish flu at the end of World War I.
In other words, swine flu -- just like the bird flu which a senior WHO official said in 2005 was going to kill 150 million people worldwide (the true death toll turned out to be barely 200) -- has predictably turned out to be yet another example of that all-too-familiar and very dangerous disease of our time, the 'scare phenomenon.'
These scares consistently follow an identifiable pattern.
They invariably begin with some misreading of the scientific evidence, which then gets picked up and inflated into some major threat to human health or well being. But the tipping point of any scare, the moment when it begins to create serious damage, is when politicians and governments get involved, buying the exaggerated threat wholesale and responding with a deluge of measures which end up costing billions.
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