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Comment left by Alter Man on Algerian Medics facebook group:
Hello everybody,
I would express my opinion about that subject...." medical Research in Algeria and and how to access to international medical publications"
I begin by saying that any research must start with a well performed collecting of medical data , that's the material of any work we had to do ;every little information( about symptoms, drugs, side effects..........) is very important.
Then we have perform that research with honesty.
In Algeria we ca find some struggles to do that research ( especially MONEY that provides best equipments ) cause everybody knows that Algeria as a 3e world country spend less money for health promotion than a developed country ; Here we can observe that the goal of each country is different ( 3 world countries belong to achieve the WHO program while the developed countries realize the best quality of treatment).
To perform a research that means to be up to date first..!!!!
Students in all fields have no references or just old ones ...and there is no way to get fresh international documents in any field, that's what pull us to do some illegal manner to get documentation ( a big shop to sell photocopied books in Algiers is really a shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!).And if someone try to buy a medical book it will cost a lot
that's really a big problem which can't be solved tomorrow, this is about an ideology of a government
thank you Louise for keeping us talking
Interesting page, Good Luck wth your venture,Regards
When most people think of Africa, they think safaris or famine and disease. you guys are doing a good job with the medical stuff. Cheers
I have visited this blog by accident, but I found it quite interesting. You're doing a good job (and most importantly it's free). A greeting.
Wow, really interesting page about clinical research. Very good stuff about this. Thanks for sharing nice information. Awesome post.
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